Thursday, August 13, 2009

Three Things

So, I'm very excited about several books that have been made into movies recently. Here are three of them:

1. Where the Wild Things Are. Comes out in theaters this Fall. I can't decide if the movie really looks good, or if I'm just excited about the Arcade Fire Song the preview is set to. Check it out

2. Alice in Wonderland. I've always had a strange obsession with this story. When I was younger I would have dreams that I was Alice trying to fit through a tiny door and on the other side was Disneyland... interpret THAT Freud. Anyway, Tim Burton is always good in my book, so let's hope this one goes well. Check it out here.

3. You must read this book. The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan changed the way I think about the food I put in my body. It's life changing. Food Inc. is a movie about the industrialization of food in our society, etc. Check out a preview here. I have MUCH more to say about this subject, but that will be at a later date.


  1. Agreed on numbers one and two. It sounds like I definitely need to check out number three!

  2. Oh man! I'm excited for all 3 as well. Jer is obsessed with food and health and dieting (can't you tell by how skinny we all are?) I'll have to get that book!

  3. Heidi! You do NOT need to diet. Read that book and you will find the answer. I'm serious. It will change your life... so, watch out. You will not be able to go back to the way you thought about food.
