Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm in Love

I just started work on this little gem. A book of poetry by L. Frank Baum published a year before the Wizard of Oz series began. He wrote, printed, and supposedly bound the books himself!! He also had several artists in collaboration who did all the illustrations, including Denslow (the fish illustration) who would then become the illustrator for The Wizard of OZ. This book is beautiful!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mango, Mango

Melanie took me to Red Mango for my birthday. I hadn't been yet (gasp) and was dying to try it. They have one by her house. It was delicious! I recommend the tangomonium.

Ava enjoyed it too!
Thanks Mel

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I just found out our engagement photo pose is a no-no. In several ways! This is just further evidence that I need to redo our wedding now that I have slightly better taste. Live and learn...and check out Natalie's "what not to do" for engagement photos.

My Sweet Husband

Shaun seems to have especially sweet blood and our backyard seems an especially appealing feasting ground for mosquitos. Since I am a chronic jar-saver I think I'll try making some of these homemade citronella candles courtesy of Kate at Design Sponge and see if that doesn't ease Shaun's itching.

Looking Back

While in Missouri I was able to bring one of my Grandma's scrapbooks home for my mom. I can't express the amount of love and respect I gained for my grandparents while literally digging through their past in that home. The images from top to bottom are my grandpa Jack Randall with my late uncle David and my mom Glenys, my gorgeous grandma Madge with the kids, Jack with the kids, and a baby picture of my mom. I think my grandpa looks like my husband Shaun a little bit. Interesting eh?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Missouri 3: Warsaw and Sedalia

Warsaw is a tiny city just off the lake of the Ozarks where my Mom's sister and family live. This was my first visit and I was amazed at how beautiful it was.

The family at Kensie's softball game

Bridge over the Osage river

Ricky frying up some catfish and croppy. You heard me...

Madge and I

This was a REALLY good cafe in downtown Warsaw that is owned and run by a group called "common ground" or " the 12 tribes". They make everything from scratch, including the furniture. I was in LOVE. I'm a little quirky and this kind of stuff really appeals to me...self reliance and what not. Check out their beliefs here.

My mom checking out the local produce at the antique store

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Missouri 2: The Books

While cleaning out my grandma's house we stumbled upon some great schoolbooks and children's books from the 1800's. I was drooling. Look at these amazing blocked covers! Needless to say I brought a few home.

Missouri: Fireflies and Fishfries

I went to St. Joseph Missouri a couple weeks ago to help clean out some of my Grandma's stuff. It was a bit of a clutter-nightmare, but also a treasure trove of beautiful old things. It was also so great to see this side of the family.

The Randall Kids

The Vintage Prom-Wear

The House

The Mess

The Glasses

The Trees

The City

Gilgal Garden

Don't know how many of you have ever heard of this crazy place, but it's a little sculpture garden tucked away in SLC. It has some REALLY strange stuff, but to his credit, Thomas Child had a grand vision. The work all has LDS symbology and can be really creepy on a stormy night (see below). Anyone looking for some interesting art in the Salt Lake area should drop by.