Saturday, August 15, 2009

Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.

I'm not going to force my beliefs on anybody, but I think our food society is horrible. And I'm still a part of that horror at this point in time, hoping to change. In an effort to support the Slow Food movement I've been trying to buy local produce. The problem is, I live at an inconvenient distance from the great downtown SLC Farmer's market and the great Orem and Lindon fruit orchards. However...Thanksgiving Point (literally my backyard) has been doing a Farmer's Market for a couple years. I went last year and was severely disappointed. No Produce. Then a friend told me she went this year and it's much better. So I headed over last night and found out that it's growing! There are definitely some farmers there with locally grown produce. Excellent.

Here's my main complaint: It's on a Friday...from 3-7pm. Why?I work full time and don't get home till 6:30 generally. Thanksgiving Point is notorious for odd hours. So maybe if enough of us go and make a suggestion that it be move to Saturday they'll listen. Maybe not. Worth a shot.

Anyway, I'm not a vegetarian and I'm not into organic foods, to a point. The FDA has some fairly easy guidelines by which one can be labeled organic, and that doesn't mean your food isn't still grown or caged in a large agri-business that only produces one thing... 3,000 miles away. Instead, I believe in eating things that are grown or produced locally, with few ingredients, that I can prepare myself. Especially in my own garden. Amen!

You'll be convinced too: Read The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food, both by Michael Pollan
Please forgive me for my rant and my plugs. I'll be looking for easy local options to help me live this lifestyle and I'll post them on the blog for anyone who's interested.


  1. Okay, your blog! I just went through and read the whole beautiful thang. Wondering why you didn't tell me sooner, but happy to be apart of your blogging world!!! I am very inspiried by the things you love and the person you are (and that is what makes for an incredible blog.) I'll be back!

  2. You don't have to apologize for your rant for two reasons. One being that it is your blog, you can do what you want with it! And two, more people should rant about good things like this!! I love Farmer's Markets, Omaha has a great one saturday morning (weirdo T.P. folks) and has such a good assortment of fresh produce!

  3. I haven't been the same since I saw Food, Inc. about two months ago. And I was reading Omnivore's Dilemma (haven't finished it yet). I already had issues with meat before I saw the movie and now I have a really hard time eating it. I'm not a vegetarian either. But I've changed the way I view/eat food. It's scary out there.

    Anyways, hope you're doing well. :) Good Luck in your farmer's market endeavors.
